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Brian Bosma’s Last Hurrah

Bosma, the longest-serving House Speaker in Indiana history, steps down from that role when the legislative session draws to a close this month.

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Mike Pence Packs His Baggage

Pence’s RFRA push backfired, it seems, costing him in the battle of ideas. And that may be his true legacy in the Hoosier State.

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Late-Night TV Takes a Look at Mike Pence

“If you’re a lady Hoosier, you may recognize him as the governor who inspected your reproductive organs every 30 days to make sure you weren’t using them in ways that would make Jesus sad.”

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Tweets of the Week: Veepstakes Edition

Here, our favorite tweets from the chaos that has been #Veepstakes.

Trump picked up an endorsement from Bob Knight before Indiana
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No, Really—Pence Could Be Trump’s VP Pick

If Pence is chosen, next Wednesday through Friday could become three of the most interesting days in the history of Indiana politics, setting off a ‘Game of Thrones’–like power scramble within the state GOP.

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The Real Me: What It Feels Like to be Transgender

“Everyone in my small circle of friends in Indy received the new me with grace and kindness—making the ugly things I saw in the local news that much more surprising.”

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Caught in the Middle: What Is Indiana’s Brand?

Starting now, Hoosiers will mark two centuries of Indiana history with a yearlong party. But what, exactly, are we commemorating?

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‘Protecting LGBT Civil Rights a Must After RFRA,’ Says GOP Strategist Megan Robertson

“Right now, in the majority of the state, if somebody wanted to hang up a sign that says, ‘No Gays,’ or whatever other term they decided to use, they could do that and be completely within the law.”

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Q&A: Indiana Pastors Alliance’s Ron Johnson on LGBT Civil Rights

“The LGBT worldview and the Judeo-Christian worldview are opposites. When you try to reconcile sexual license with religious liberty, those two things don’t go together.”

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Q&A: Freedom Indiana’s Chris Paulsen on LGBT Civil Rights

“It’s not a Republican or a Democrat issue. It’s a fairness issue. I think Hoosiers want to be known as fair, because we are fair.”

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Culture Warriors: LGBT Battlefield

“RFRA was embarrassing, but Pence hasn’t won elections by championing LGBT causes. And he still wields the veto pen, which is mighty indeed.”

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Lessons for the New Mayor of Indianapolis

The victor of this month’s election should listen to this advice from past mayors.

Illustration by Jacqui Oakley
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War of the Roses: The Aftereffects of RFRA

RFRA goes into effect next month—but the law won’t be the last battle over LGBT rights.

Illustration by Jacqui Oakley
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Something Old, Something New: Same-Sex Marriage in Indiana

What has truly changed since Indiana and same-sex marriage united last June? Nothing—and everything.

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New Joyful Noise Recordings Compilation to Benefit Indiana LGBT-Rights Groups

“This is a very progressive city,” says Hofstetter. “We wanted to do something positive to change the bill. For bands to give something, not take it away.”