
Richard Mourdock

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Caught in the Middle: What Is Indiana’s Brand?

Starting now, Hoosiers will mark two centuries of Indiana history with a yearlong party. But what, exactly, are we commemorating?

On a trip overseas in March, Donnelly met with President Shimon Peres in Israel. (Photo provided)
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The Man in the Middle: Joe Donnelly

In a chamber where one party enjoys a thin majority, Indiana’s junior senator has garnered disproportionate influence as one of a handful of Democratic legislators from red and purple states who hold swing votes.

Mike Pence
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INcoming: Mike Pence

To understand the chasm currently separating Indiana’s political parties, all you need to do is picture their election-night celebrations. On November 6, the Democrats chose a sedate ballroom at the Downtown Marriott. The Republicans, who were marching toward supermajorities in the House and the Senate, chose the end zone at Lucas Oil Stadium.

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Tweets of the (Election) Week: Nov. 3-9