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Quick Q&A: Neil deGrasse Tyson

“I’m not the total a-hole that people think I am.”

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The Dadball Era: Science Fairs And The Nadir Of Life

Hypothesis: Most parents will survive Science Fair Week, but none will prosper.

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AMA: Lisa Pratt, NASA Planetary Protection Officer

“We’re in a hurry to get out there, and many of the things humans bring with them are potential contaminants.”

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The New IMAX Movie Is a Very Big Deal

The film starts with a good 10 minutes showing dust swirling prismatically in space. It’s pure and beautiful.

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Worlds Collide: Science and Religion at Ball State

Nearly six years into teaching his “Boundaries of Science” class, trouble found Eric Hedin, thanks in part to an anonymous informant whose identity and motivations remain a mystery. What happened next threatened to embarrass his employer, Ball State, which formed a special committee to investigate the class’s subject matter.

A cleared and stained Hoosier Cavefish specimen showing the skeleton (stained red). Credit: Matthew Niemiller
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Indiana's New Resident: The Hoosier Cavefish

“There are actually a lot of fish that have this condition, but I thought it was pretty damn hilarious,” says Matthew Niemiller.

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Ruff Data: Purdue Study Targets Rottweilers

There’s plenty of precedent for trying to extend human lives by studying dogs. Canine research helped pioneer the use of insulin for diabetics and blazed the path for anti-hormonal prostate cancer treatments.

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Quick Q&A with Daniel Levitin

“Maybe it’s not as glamorous as working with Stevie Wonder, but the work in a studio is very much like the work in a laboratory,” he says, speaking as a rock star/neuroscientist hybrid.

Indiana State Museum, Ice Age Giants: The Mystery of Mammoths and Mastodons
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Lovely Bones: Indiana State Museum's Dinosaur Exhibit

Finding a complete set of hyoid, or throat bones, is a huge find. These belong to Fred, a mastodon discovered in Fort Wayne (and pictured here).

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Former Astronaut David Wolf Reviews Gravity

“One cannot get into, or out of, the spacesuits as quickly as shown, but that’s okay,” he says.

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Ask Me Anything: Astronaut Dr. David Wolf

The Hoosier rocket man talks about life in the International Space Station.