
The Art Assignment

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Staying Culturally Connected While Staying At Home

From taking in virtual performances to contributing to relief funds, there are plenty of ways to remain culturally connected.

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Five Years Of “The Art Assignment”

“The art world with Kanye in it is a better, more open, and less elitist art world.”

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Exhibit Columbus: An Expert's Review

The temporary installations that you’ll find scattered around Columbus, Indiana, through November 26 have intimidating company. They occupy hallowed architectural ground, positioned in dialogue with buildings by Eliel and Eero Saarinen, I.M. Pei, Kevin Roche, Gunnar Birkerts, and many other leading voices of 20th-century architecture and design. But it’s the 21st century that is the […]

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Culture Q&A: Sarah Urist Green

“One of the reasons that this show has been fun to work on together is that it gives us an excuse to travel together,” she says of husband John Green. “I do the large majority of the work for the art assignment, and he shows up to film.”