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The Dadball Era

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2022 Indianapolis Colts Preview

Is it football season again already?

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Visit Atlanta’s Guide To The CFP National Championship In Indianapolis

It’s not sour grapes if it’s true. It’s sour peaches.

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Into Grim Air

Taking the kids to Christmas Eve church service is like climbing Mount Everest.

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On The Bright Side

‘Tis the season for long nights, Christmas stress, and yet another NBA opener. Here’s how to survive all three.

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How To Do A Pandemic Halloween Without Really Trying

Six costumes for the lazy, frustrated, and/or fearful.

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Let’s Escape Reality By Thinking About The Pacers For Some Reason

While we search for relief amid the wreckage of 2020, the Pacers search for a new head coach.

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Faking Your Way Through The Colts’ Pandemic Season

Everything may be terrible, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to know how much you don’t really care about the Colts right now.

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Pacers Season 2.0: What You Need To Know

“If you HAVE to do Disney in July or August, I advise doing it this way. You know, without the crowds or your kids.”

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Makeshift Race Weekend

Is it still Race Weekend without the Race? Yep.

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Getting There

There’s no Dr. Spock instructional book for this particular stretch of parenting.

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The N-95 Mask Half Full

Is this pandemic also the “best of times?” No, of course not. This is awful and only a delusional monster would say otherwise.

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It’s All Sinking In Now

Last week we didn’t have time to think about this mess we’re in. This week is different.

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The Yesterdays Of Tomorrow

Yesterday was Mardi Gras, Cinco de Mayo, Carb Day, Race Day, Opening Day of MLB, the 4th of July, and the first-day-of-summer-as-a-sixth-grader all rolled into one—except a billion times BETTER. And sunnier. And giddier.

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Dispatch From Florida

“So naturally, when asked to share my thoughts on our current COVID-19 quarantine situation, why wouldn’t a comparison to a hundred-year-old column on post-war Paris be my go-to?”

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Focusing On The Good

You got us feelin’ alright