
The Vogue

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Is Indy’s Comedy Scene Dead?

“It’s getting harder and harder to get people out of their living rooms. Netflix has brought awareness to stand-up comedy, but it also makes people think they can stay home and watch it on their big, expensive TVs.”

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How To Plan Your Indianapolis Dad-Concert Attendance This Summer

“Looks like a great lineup, just needs more Buffett.”

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Speed Read: The Vogue Turns 40

According to the marquee, “Miley Cyrus Unplugged” was slated to happen at The Vogue … on April 1, 2008. Not realizing it was a prank, Cyrus fans from across the Midwest made a beeline for Indy and began queuing up for tickets. They were not amused when they learned it was merely an April Fool’s joke.

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Great Nights Out: Sound Advice

Your ticket to live local music and backstage pass to four of Indianapolis’s hippest music venues.

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The Revivalists Bring Soulful Rock to The Vogue

“Musicians in New Orleans entertain … It gets in your blood—that feeling, that music from New Orleans. You just hear it everywhere. It’s in the street, it’s on the corners, and it’s in clubs. In a great way, you can’t escape it if you live there.”

George Clinton
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Culture Q&A: George Clinton and His ‘Mothership Connection’ to Indy

“We’ve been coming to Naptown ever since the ’60s,” says Clinton. “We go way back with Indianapolis.”

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Quick Q&A: Josh Kaufman, Soon to Play the Vogue

His days of singing at Potbelly may be over, but he still stops in for a sandwich.

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Incoming: Chely Wright to Headline Indy Pride Events

The pop-minded country singer will perform here twice in three days.

0914-Trent Fairbrother
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Quick Q&A: Trent Fairbrother, Past Art vs. Art Winner

“It was great to win $4,000. But I let them set my painting on fire and chainsaw it in half anyway.”

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Colt Following: Four Memorable NFL Encounters

Besides Peyton Manning’s press conference announcing he was leaving the Colts, the only other televised event that ever preempted one of my high-school classes was Barack Obama’s first inauguration speech.

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Spotted: Jonas Brothers on Monument Circle

It’s a good thing Justin Bieber had just skipped town, or else we might have had an old-fashioned Jets vs. Sharks dance-off in the streets.

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No. 16 – The Vogue

The 75-year-old former movie theater has anchored Broad Ripple since your grandparents were going there to see talkies.