
Tom Chiarella

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Celebrity Profiler: Tom Chiarella, in His Own Words

This guy gets paıd to hang out with the Sexiest Woman Alive. James Bond. Don Draper.

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Tweets of the Week: Steak 'n Shake, IU Basketball, and More

“Get your butts to the polls,” said one tweet. Unfortunately, one member of the voting public took that a bit too literally.

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July 2013

For those who dream of taking the plunge, a guide to buying your Indiana lake home. Plus, a primer on renting, for those just testing the waters—featuring Wawasee, Monroe, Michigan, Tippecanoe, Patoka, and more.

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A Night at the Red Key

“As all of us change, this place stays the same. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to get in here. And one of the first times I bartended, my grandfather was sitting at the end of the bar watching everything I did. Which was intimidating. I just wish he could see me back there now.”