
vegetarian cuisine

Plant-based sandwiches from Burgeezy
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The Plant Eater’s Guide To Indy

Yes, Indy has a lot of steakhouses. But that doesn’t mean plant eaters are out of luck. We tracked down the best dining spots for vegans, vegetarians, and their allies.

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A Vegan’s Guide To Dining In Indy

We sniffed out the city’s best veggie-friendly restaurants that even the meatiest of carnivores would love.

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Last Chance for Brunch at Tlaolli

The brunch menu goes on hiatus in a week because the carryout restaurant’s seating is outdoors.

Frittle Candy, The New Indy Must-Do List
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The New Indy Must-Do List: Eat This

So you’ve munched on corn at the Indiana State Fair and had your mouth set afire by a certain shrimp-cocktail sauce. But what are the modern-day rites of passage? We have answers.

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Wanted: Dining Trends We'd Like to See in Indy

PIEROGIES: Right now, we mostly rely on the frozen ones from the grocery. But these delectable Eastern European dumplings filled with cabbage, potatoes, or sweet cheese are best fresh.