
Wheeler Mission

Photo of Indianapolis resident Brandon Eaton
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How The City’s Homeless Are Coping With COVID-19

Just as COVID-19 has changed almost every aspect of daily life, it has also reshaped homelessness in Indianapolis.

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What I Know: Rick Alvis Of Wheeler Mission

“We’re not allowing any volunteers inside our facilities, so we could really use funding to pay the additional people we’re having to hire to cover the people who got sick.”

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How To Volunteer And Provide Help To Local Resources

The ways to help from home are expanding as nonprofits shift their volunteer opportunities to virtual ones.

Susan Cox illustration
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Susan Cox Is No Longer Here

The blinds were drawn. A feeling of certainty fell peacefully over the room, and with it, relief. Karen leaned over the bed, over Bethany and Susan, and began to pray. All three of them so close together, waiting.

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Scenes from Strawberry Festival 2014

The annual event, put on by a Christ Church Cathedral women’s group, is more than an excuse to take your lunch break an hour earlier. It’s an exercise in Hoosier hospitality.