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Q&A: Cindy Simon Skjodt, Snakepit Ball Planner

This year’s band, Foreigner, surprised us. Are you a fan?
My husband and I sponsor the talent portion, so I do have a say about the band. And yes, I’m a fan. I was fortunate to meet them when I used to cater backstage in the ’70s. In my opinion, they’re the greatest rock band of that era.

What does it take to plan a good party?
You try to keep it simple and hope for the best. Lots of liquor helps, too.

Do you already know what you’re wearing to this year’s ball?
Oh no. I never know until a couple of days before.

Have you ever been star-struck at your own party?
When President Clinton was at my house, that was the greatest impression anyone has ever made on me. He was amazing—gobs of charisma. But I really don’t get star-struck anymore at my age.

This article appeared in the May 2013 issue.


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