
Maria Dickman

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My Look: Michelle Pemberton’s Vintage Cowboy Boots

“To get that really good shape, you have to go either vintage or high-end.”

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My Look: Jonathan Frey's Vintage Jacket

Thanks to his dashing moustache and penchant for suits, the photographer and filmmaker seems to have cycled out of a European street scene.

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Everywhere We Look: Styles That Do the Talking for You

Wear your words with a splatter tee and smoking slippers, coffee mug and clutch—and more.

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My Look: Vladimir Dzeletovic's Silk Ascot

“You can have a gorgeous suit, but if it doesn’t fit, it’ll look like crap,” he says. “That’s half the battle. The other half is to have proper shoes.”

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Everywhere We Look: How to Dress a Hipster Kid

Tot Couture

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Everywhere We Look: Rompers

Four takes on the hottest summer trend.

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My Look: Polina Osherov's Cat Ears

The story behind the Pattern founder’s perky accessory.

Tommy Dant
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ShopTalk: James Dant in Irvington

At the gorgeously outfitted haven for men, rugged elements—pallet-wood accent walls, old pipes turned into racks—suggest dudes should enjoy shopping here.

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Everywhere We Look: Pale Beauties

Colors that pale in comparison—in a good way.

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My Look: Maggie Conner's Sequined Skirt

“People [in Indy] are starting to care about fashion,” she says. “I sound like my grandma, but a little effort in the way we dress is a sign of respecting others around us.

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Wanted: Skate Shoes

Check out this Prada hibiscus-print canvas slip-on for women.

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New at Fashion Mall: Paper Source

If there’s a new project you’d like to try, such as heat embossing, an employee will let you choose a paper and a stamp and then demonstrate how a heat tool melts embossing powder at 650 degrees.

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Wanted: This Flashy Bike

It’s not just a bike. It’s part of your look.

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Everywhere We Look: Graphic Prints

Geometry, simplified.