
Circle City

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Tweets of the Week: June 30-July 8


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Tweets of the Week: June 23-29


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Prairie Fire

Q: How do the Conner Prairie reenactors keep from passing out on hot days? Those hoop skirts don’t look practical.

Ashlie P. Carmel

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Tweets of the Week: June 16-22


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Tweets of the Week: Angela Buchman Edition


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Strawberry Festival: By the Numbers

Christ Church Cathedral’s long-running Strawberry Festival took over Monument Circle on Thursday, with tasty offerings and, even better, community-building results. “The crowd seemed more consistent throughout the day this year than in the past,” says Marcia Taylor, publicity chair for Cathedral Women. “It was around 3 o’clock or 3:30 before we noticed a lull in the lines.”

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High Notes, Low Notes: Ryan Murphy's Prolific Career

With Glee fading in the Nielsen ratings, Murphy’s latest series, American Horror Story, garners serious buzz from its creepy debut episode, with star Jessica Lange going on to win a Golden Globe for her role.

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Tweets of the Week: June 2-8


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Pick of the Litter: Pet Pride 2012

It was a downtown romp last night as dozens of dogs, cats, and even one ferret descended upon a parking lot at 707 N. Senate Ave. Indy Pride’s second-annual Pet Pride event drew more than 500 (human) attendees, up from about 320 last year in its first inception.

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Cycle Citizen: Mayor's Bike Ride

Did you know that Indy is a certified Bicycle-Friendly Community? And that there are free group rides to join nearly every night? Such organized rides are a great way to break out of your biking rut. This summer, we’re doing a different ride each week. Follow along, or better yet, put on a helmet and join us!

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Tweets of the Week: Smoke Free Indy Edition


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Bugging Out

A. Sorry, bug-o-phobes, the threat posed by these tiny home invaders is not, like a lice infestation, all in our heads. The problem is so widespread that the Marion County Public Health Department actually has a full-time “bedbug guy,” Larry Lobdell, traveling the county offering tips on keeping the pests out of homes, apartment buildings, and hotels.

Kilroy's Sports Bar in Bloomington Indiana
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The Lauren Spierer Mystery, Unraveled

Where is the missing IU student?

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Tweets of the Week: May 12-18


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Artists Shine as Spotlight Nets $401K Toward AIDS Relief

Local arts stars collided at Clowes Memorial Hall on May 7. Their universal mission: to entertain, and to raise money for the Indiana AIDS Fund, at Spotlight’s 17th showcase of live performance talent.