
Opinion & Columns

December Cover 2015
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Editor’s Note, December 2015: Good Fences, Better Neighbors

When you live in close quarters, you may have no more between you and your neighbors than some drywall.

Frank Bill
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Literary Indiana: Fiction

Vonnegut isn’t all Indiana has to offer.

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Phil Gulley: Yesterday’s News

“In this polarized age, I don’t suspect a Republican or Democrat would lend the other a hand, let alone a printing press. But it was different back then, before talk radio gave the least stable among us a microphone.”

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Prep Schooled: Deborah Paul on the Trend’s Return

When I was this magazine’s managing editor, the editor-in-chief asked—nay, required—that I parrot the book ‘The Official Preppy Handbook,’ localizing the author’s directives. I wrote “Indy’s Guide to Prep” in 1981.

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Philip Gulley: Best in Class

Everyone should be a teacher for one year to know what ingratitude feels like.

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Not Right Meow: Deborah Paul on Pet Adoption

The truth is, I need them as much as they need me, which is why the search continues.

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Phil Gulley: Germ Warfare

We could save ourselves a lot of trouble if we sent children outside barefoot, in a field of clover, while eating a PB&J, like parents did when I was a runt.

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Deborah Paul Wants the Ripe Stuff

No offense to our neighbors in Mexico or Chile, but I don’t want their produce, or anything grown upside-down in a hothouse. I want Mom’s.

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Phil Gulley: Without a Hitch

“While I’m clearing the air, I’ll add that their gay marriage harmed my traditional marriage exactly zero percent.”

August 2015 Cover
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Editor’s Note, August 2015: Your Guide to Eating Homegrown

I seem to like John Mellencamp more than native Hoosiers do—or at least have a much less complicated relationship with him.

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Bigger Picture: Deborah Paul on Grandchildren

Robert Frost famously said everything he learned about life could be summed up in three words: “It goes on.” This is the season of the next generation—and the next after that.

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Phil Gulley: Dead Wrong

I’ve buried quite a few stinkers these past 31 years, but you would never have known it from their funerals.

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Phil Gulley: Ill at Ease

So far, the only downside to diabetes is not being able to eat Cinnabons at the airport.

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Deborah Paul’s Animal Attraction

This past winter, our attic became a haven for flying squirrels. These small tree-dwellers, a protected species in Indiana, banged around over our heads for nearly a week before we gave up and called a wildlife-management organization.

Indianapolis Monthly - May 2015 - Goodbye Dave!
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Editor’s Note, May 2015: Goodbye, David Letterman!

Who can blame the TV late-night legend and native Hoosier for sticking around longer than he intended? It’s hard to say goodbye to family.