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The Living Room Theater’s Tasty New Addition

Snack on more than just Popcorn and Milk Duds at the new Bottleworks movie house.

It’s what happens off-screen at downtown’s new Bottleworks District movie theater that has critics raving. The third and largest location of the boutique chain Living Room Theaters houses a second-floor concession stand serving cocktails on par with nearby Mass Ave taverns. Enjoy a spot-on blood orange gimlet or a playful signature Old Fashioned with bourbon and a salty-sweet popcorn syrup. The menu spares no cinematic pun (Inglorious Bratwurst, Secret Garden Salad) and includes a starring performance from “Hamburger Mountain,” nicely charred grass-fed beef dressed up with smoky aioli.

Pretzel crusts support generously topped pizzas such as the meaty “Animal House” or the vegetarian-friendly “Into the Woods.” And with Smoking Goose meats featured on charcuterie platters, local food makes a cameo appearance as the art films and blockbusters play on screen.

745 E. 9th St., 317-999-9500,

Terry Kirts joined Indianapolis Monthly as a contributing editor in 2007. A senior lecturer in creative writing at IUPUI, Terry has published his poetry and creative nonfiction in journals and anthologies including Gastronomica, Alimentum, and Home Again: Essays and Memoirs from Indiana, and he’s the author of the 2011 collection To the Refrigerator Gods.

1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
