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My Look: DJ Prince

Cool chain. Does it mean something special?
My mom, my dad, and my uncle gave it to me. To me, it means that I’m an angel in deejaying.
Who does your box cut?
My dad. My family has always listened to hip-hop so I always try to dress up as if I’m in the late ’80s or ’90s but still a kid.
What are those kicks? 
LeBron James. They were a gift from Nike. For about two-and-a-half years, they’ve been sending me shoes and clothes, keeping me fresh.
How did this happen?
We don’t know how they found out about me. They just reached out. I’m very thankful for that.
You probably don’t have to go shopping often.
No, but I go to Castleton Mall every now and then. H&M and Macy’s are my favorites.
You’re just 14 but have performed with DJ Jazzy Jeff and been on the show Empire. What’s your dream gig?
To open for Jay Z.


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

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