Dave Arland’s Star Trek Lair
➊ A communication system with active switches that play theme music and ambient USS Enterprise noises is built into his desk.
➋ A 1964 George Dickel Whisky powder horn decanter with a leather strap made by local artisans. These bottles were featured in both the original series and Deep Space Nine.
➌ The structure of Kirk’s quarters required an engineer to relocate a structural post to fit in the basement. Construction of Kirk’s rotating closet is up next.
➍ A 1960s Burke kitchenette chair, from which Arland takes Zoom calls, with a removable top that slides onto the backrest.
➎ The patterned bronze box behind Kirk’s desk took Arland 20 years to locate. It’s the rarest prop in the room.
➏ These blue glasses are artisan recreations set with European crystals.
➐ The space’s carpeting is indoor-outdoor, made of recycled soda bottles.
➑ The captain’s quarters, shown in 30 of the 79 episodes, featured an intricate screen. With no luck finding a similar one, Arland built his own with more than 1,000 pieces of hand-cut PVC pipe.
➒ A 3-D sculpture printed from Hal Fromhold’s Modernist Ceramic Angel. Arland used as many made-in-the-U.S. pieces as possible.
➓ Arland couldn’t find the right fabric for the bedspread and wall art anywhere. (He speculates it was originally made from 1960s speaker fabric.) A North Carolina textile mill recreated the familiar orange and gold pattern.