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25 Days of Holiday Gifts: The Pace & Pattern Journal

Out with the dream board, in with Pace & Pattern, a vision journal made by Indianapolis couple Allison and Joseph Rhea. The green hardback book with simple gold details is stunning, and you will want to carry it around, just to feel more organized. That’s a good start toward achieving the goals you plan with the book. But it’s what’s inside that counts. In addition to using a lovely simple calendar, the Pace & Pattern method includes setting three goals per quarter (a habit, a rhythm to get into, and a project to plan) and tracking weekly to-do’s that support each of those goals. Given the growing nature of Pace & Pattern (the Rheas sold out last year and quadrupled their production this year), evidently they know how to bring an idea to fruition. One tip: Form a group using their suggestions on leading one. Gift the journal to yourself and a few inspired friends, and start pacing. $58.

Fernandez began writing for Indianapolis Monthly in 1995 while studying journalism at Indiana University. One of her freelance assignments required her to join a women's full-tackle football team for a season. She joined the staff in 2005 to edit IM's ancillary publications, including Indianapolis Monthly Home. In 2011, she became a senior editor responsible for the Circle City section as well as coverage of shopping, homes, and design-related topics. Now a contributing editor for Indianapolis Monthly, she lives in Garfield Park.

1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
