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The Give Guide: Golden Shopportunities

Nifty coiled newspaper clock at Global Gifts, handcrafted with reclaimed broadsheets. $28. Supports the Women’s Multipurpose Cooperative in the Philippines. 446 Massachusetts Ave., 317-423-3148; 1300 E. 86th St., Ste. 17, 317-569-0670, globalgiftsindy.com.


Gooey peanut butter–and–strawberry jelly sandwich (with fresh jalapeños and bacon, on wheat toast) at Cafe Patachou. $7.95. Benefits at-risk and homeless children. 4901 N. Pennsylvania St., 317-925-2823 (and other locations), cafepatachou.com.

World Next Door Magazine, an eye-grabbing digital travel pub on missionary work (think National Geographic with a heart). Free. Donations help the Indy group bring attention to social-justice issues. 317-644-6963, worldnextdoor.org.


Too-cool-for-school kids’ bowties by Indy-based Night Owl Baby, with pig, robot, and skull-and-crossbones patterns on hand-sewn im-ported fabric. $35. Sales go toward the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.


Durable (and chic) Dome clutch by People for Urban Progress, made of material salvaged from the Colts’ former home. $55. Supports advocating for public transit, environmental awareness, and design. 1043 Virginia Ave., peopleup.org.

Colorful hardbound wedding album from Bohemian Red Images, by offbeat Indy photog Katie Basbagill. Sessions start at $2,600. Part goes to the SOLD Project or other charities. 1505 N. Delaware St., Ste. 41, 317-660-5723, bohemianredimages.com.

Earthy cotton messenger bag from the fair-trade Opportunity Collection, handmade by artisans in Thailand. $32. Purchase supports survivors of the 2004 tsunami. The Village Experience, 6055 N. College Ave., 317-602-3696, experiencethevillage.com.



Super-snackable cherry popcorn from Just Pop In!’s HOPE collection. $8 to $14. Part of proceeds goes to the Damien Center, serving those affected by HIV/AIDS. 6302 N. Guilford Ave., 257-9338; Indianapolis Int’l Airport, 317-602-3570, justpopinonline.com.

See more from The Give Guide here.

This article appeared in the December 2013 issue.


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
