
Abraham Lincoln

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Hoosier Hall Of Fame: It Happened Here!

The past comes alive at these historic spots-of-significance around the state—some of which are getting a little lift from Bicentennial projects.

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Caught in the Middle: What Is Indiana’s Brand?

Starting now, Hoosiers will mark two centuries of Indiana history with a yearlong party. But what, exactly, are we commemorating?

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The Indiana Beard Hall of Fame

Grow your ode to the bearded state! As Fishers shop Vardagen reminded us with “The Bearded State” tee, we’ve compiled our Indiana Beard Hall of Fame.

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Phil Gulley: Dead Wrong

I’ve buried quite a few stinkers these past 31 years, but you would never have known it from their funerals.

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Traveler: Springfield’s Lincoln Attractions

The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum is so entertaining, you might think Disney helped develop it.

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Lincoln Like Me

If it’s true that family reunites in the afterlife, sooner or later I’m bound to bump into Abraham Lincoln.

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Six Things You Don't Know About Abraham Lincoln

He loved to tell dirty jokes, and reportedly hated being called “Abe.”