
Big Ten

Memorial Stadium in Bloomington
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It’s OK That Big Ten Football Is Returning, Actually

Absent effective leadership, we’re forced to improvise through a deadly pandemic. Why should football be an exception?

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A Season On The Brink For Fred Glass

Are calls for the dismissal of the IU athletic director just good sense, or jumping the gun?

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Fan Friction: Indiana’s Epic Rivalry

Indiana basketball’s defining rivalry rekindles twice in February with two new episodes of a series Purdue currently leads by a reasonably commanding 115–89. Here’s what got (and kept) the ball rolling:

Mike Botkin, a.k.a. The Naysayer
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Naysayer says the Big Ten Coach of the Year is …

If you want the best coach in the Big Ten, look to Iowa.

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The Replay: Dick Vitale, IU, and Paul George

Dick Vitale turns on the disappointed-dad voice in critique of IU basketball.

Mike Botkin, a.k.a. The Naysayer
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The Naysayer says IU is Overrated

“I’m just going to say this – there is no way the Indiana University basketball team is the 14th best team in the nation. And there is no way Purdue should be as low as 21st.”

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The Replay: J.J. Watt, Paul George, and Chris Copeland

Kentucky goes down in flames

(L-R) Isaac Haas and A.J. Hammons
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The Naysayer: Not a Big(s) Problem at Purdue

A little goes a long way with Purdue’s big men.

Rendering of a proposed new multipurpose stadium.
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The Replay: Purdue, Trent Richardson, and Indy Eleven

For IU basketball fans of Notre Dame football, there’s good news.

Indiana junior Yogi Ferrell has found his shot, but will the rival Boilermakers get theirs tonight?
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The Naysayer Is Back—But Are the Boilers?

Finally, an IU-Purdue game worth watching.

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The Replay: Deflategate, Colts, and Hoosiers

The Colts’ loss in the AFC Championship game proves that the football world is flat.