
Cool Beans

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Test Your Coffee IQ

Sam Sveen of Uel Zing, a Bloomington cold brew, teaches an intro coffee class at Ivy Tech. Could you pass the final?

Calvin Fletcher
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Seven Indy Cold Brews From Eye-Popping to Heart-Stopping

Iced coffee is for wimps. Meet “cold brew”—coffee steeped slowly in cool water for a less-acidic, highly caffeinated sipper. These local offerings may range in potency, but they’ll all put hair on your chest.

Rocket 88
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Chew Your Brew

Indy chefs are using locally roasted beans in surprising, often savory ways. But their caffeinated treats—like these recent creations—come and go, so stay on your toes.

Aric Forbing Modbar
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The Geekiest Coffee Things Ever Said About the Modbar

“Modbar is essentially the Ferrari of coffee brewing systems. What’s new is that the once-manual barista job now pairs with slick electronic components under the counter that can be endlessly programmed to control details like pressure, temperature, cleaning, and more.” – eater.com

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14 Indy Coffee Recommendations from Our Coffee Snob

We looked to our resident coffee snob to find 14 must-drink local cups. Indianapolis Monthly design director Todd Urban poured over dozens of roasts to suggest these 14.

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Indy’s Coolest Coffee Shops

From Calvin Fletcher’s to Near Eastside’s Rabble, this is your ultimate guide to Indy’s coolest coffee shops.

Perfect Cup of Coffee
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How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Making superior coffee isn’t convenient—extracting the purest flavor involves ratios and chemistry and special equipment. So Stephen Hall of Tinker Coffee Co. did the hard math for you and provided this step-by-step guide to scientific coffee dominance.

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5 Indy Roasters to Know

Ditch Folgers for these five fine Indy roasters.

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Indy Coffee Classes

And even if you never do detect more offbeat scents such as sun-dried tomato or marshmallow, it’s eye-opening to taste how each coffee evolves during the cupping, depicted here.

Milktooth Ashley
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Indy’s coffee community poses with their favorite cups for some sweet mugshots.