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Is Now The Time To Buy Or Sell A Home?

While no one knows what the next few months will bring, Realtors are hopeful that the low supply and interest rates will translate to a quick recovery.

Products on Homespun: Modern Handmade's shelves.
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The Boutique Blues

“It’s hard to talk about owning a business, mostly because the people who understand what you’re going through are too busy to talk because they’re running their own business.”

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Local Fabricator Lends A Hand

How one local maker traded effects pedals and amps for PPE.

This scanning electron microscope image shows the virus that causes COVID-19 isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells (green) cultured in the lab.
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Why The Coronavirus Could Widen The Gap Between Indy’s Neighborhoods

The data presses home that Indy is deeply divided by class and race.

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Indy Chefs Offer Online Cooking Tutorials

It’s a sign of the COVID-19 times that two of the hardest things to find at grocery stores these days are disinfectant wipes and instant dry yeast.

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Lilly’s Chief Scientific Officer On COVID-19: “I Don’t Think We’ll Eradicate It”

“I don’t foresee us going back to the way things were anytime soon.”

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Khan Fires Back At Indiana Officials Over Test Kits

“They burn me down in press conferences? That’s insane.”

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Our Chat With Dr. Stephen Sample

Our Chat With The Southern Indiana Emergency Room Doctor Who’s Becoming An MSNBC Staple

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Stocking Your Quarantine Bar Cart

A handful of local restaurants, bars, and distilleries have adjusted their business models to keep everyone’s bar carts and wine racks fully stocked.

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In Sickness And … In Sickness

“I’ve never been so lonely in my whole life. I just missed him and wanted to hug him.”

Author Nancy Comiskey poses in her new wig.
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Surviving A Personal Health Crisis During A Public One

The absolute worst of times.

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Signs Of The Time

We’re all in this together.

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You Can Make This No-Sew Origami Mask In Under Two Minutes

An IU professor shares plans for her no-sew origami face mask that can be made at home in a couple of minutes.

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How To Volunteer And Provide Help To Local Resources

The ways to help from home are expanding as nonprofits shift their volunteer opportunities to virtual ones.

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Staying Culturally Connected While Staying At Home

From taking in virtual performances to contributing to relief funds, there are plenty of ways to remain culturally connected.