
Donald Trump

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A Hoosier Writes The Definitive Account Of The 2016 Election

“I thought it was going to be Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush,” the author says. “It looked like it was going to be a boring election.”

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Fight Club: Deborah Paul On Polarization

I do not like confrontation and believe men’s brains are better wired for war than women’s. However, I am as guilty as the next guy of perpetrating bad karma.

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Our Interview With Mike Hot-Pence

President Donald Trump impersonators are in high demand right now. From Alec Baldwin to John Di Domenico, all comers angle to embody the out-sized personality of our imminently imitable 45th president. Nailing Vice President Mike Pence’s subtler traits, though, has proved difficult. Saturday Night Live’s Beck Bennett attempted Pence’s smooth-talking “America’s Stepdad!” last October, but […]

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Butler University Course Offers In-Depth Study of Trump Election

A new front in the resistance to Donald J. Trump’s presidency has sprung up in the backyard of his own vice president. A new fall course at Butler University will explore the election of the 45th president despite the campaign’s media blunders and perceived negative rhetoric. The course will also examine “strategies for resistance.” “Trumpism […]

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The Terre Haute Experiment

“It’s the United States’ first political prison.”

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Why One Indy Tech-Industry Player Supports Refugee Resettlement

“It’s not just believing in it as a human and for humanity and for morality.”

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Mike Pence Packs His Baggage

Pence’s RFRA push backfired, it seems, costing him in the battle of ideas. And that may be his true legacy in the Hoosier State.

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Off the Wall: Mike Pence and Immigration

Before Trump became the face of anti-immigration, Pence championed a very different approach.

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Video: Mike Pence Attends ‘Hamilton,’ Gets Lectured

“We, sir—we—are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said actor Brandon Victor Dixon.

Steve Hilbert
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“Mystery of Trump’s Orange Skin” Leads Writer to Indiana

Indianapolis was once proclaimed the “world’s tanning-bed capital.”

Trump picked up an endorsement from Bob Knight before Indiana
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Now There’s Another Hoosier Involved in This Crazy Presidential Campaign

This time, it’s an IU computer-science professor in a story about Trump, Russia, and computer servers.

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Outtakes from the Bio of Mike Pence

Dinner with one person from history? That would be Jesus Christ, this “evangelical Catholic” once told The Indianapolis Star.

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Video: Bob Knight Trolls Wolverines Fans at Michigan Trump Rally

“I went to Ohio State instead of one of your favorite schools,” Knight told the audience in Grand Rapids, which reacted with a hearty chorus of boos.

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Two Wrongs: Deborah Paul on Voting

I am a woman, I like women, and I wish I could support you. But I can’t.

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Trade Secret: Carrier, Mexico, and Japan

Overlooked in the indignation over job exportation—which thrashed between sincere and synthetic—was the Hoosier State’s steadily growing reliance on job importation.