
Eskenazi Health

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The Election Day Post-Mortem; Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Monthly Weekly hosts contributing editor Adam Wren and Eskenazi Health’s Dr. Heather Fretwell.

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Eskenazi Has A History With Epidemics

During a smallpox epidemic, Indianapolis built its first hospital—in the middle of a swamp.

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Root Awakening: Advice From Veteran Gardeners

Gardening advice from veteran green thumbs.

Dr. Gerardo Gomez
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My Gun Story: The ER Doctor

“A common misconception is that we’re searching for the bullet. We don’t care about the bullet.”

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Art and Health Converge at Eskenazi Hospital

A unique aspect of this art is that all the pieces are originals. The Eskenazi art committee selected the artists, with input from the Indianapolis community.

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Hot-Button Issues: The Straight Dope

Indianapolis is drawing heroin straight from Mexico and bypassing Chicago altogether—which might account for the high potency.