
Gene Stratton-Porter

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Hoosier Hall of Fame: The Indiana Authors

If you skipped these classic Hoosier reads in high school, consider this your tl;dr— “too long; didn’t read” in social-media shorthand—synopsis.

Dubois County Courthouse Indiana Backroad Trip
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Top Five Indiana Backroad Trips

Ready to travel through your own backyard? Check out these hidden gems in Indiana.

Geneva Indiana
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Indiana Backroads: Book Markers at Gene Stratton-Porter Sites

Explore unique locations in the area loved by Gene Stratton-Porter, the famous Indiana novelist.

The Ticket 2014 cover
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Book Tour: Six Memorable Tomes Set in Indiana

Fort Wayne is Seventh on Hitler’s List is a collection of 17 stories about famous and less-than-famous Indiana residents from Fort Wayne native Michael Martone.

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The Hoosierist: Five Romance Novels with Indiana Ties

Apparently, John Green’s bestselling novel about two star-crossed lovers is really, really good. The Hoosierist can only read a couple of pages before crying.

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The Hoosierist: Last of His Type

Q: Is there any place in this town to get an old manual typewriter fixed? My grandfather’s 40-year-old model broke, and he refuses to use anything else.
Allison W., Indianapolis