
Mike Pence

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Why Indiana’s GOP Can’t Be Trumped

If the Trump-era Republican Party experienced a public, messy identity crisis, somebody forgot to tell its Indiana chapter. Like it or not, they’re remarkably unified—and set up to continue an unprecedented electoral winning streak.

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What Does The Future Hold For Mike Pence?

The veep was Donald Trump’s most loyal defender for the past four years. We asked the experts what might come next.

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The Election Day Post-Mortem; Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Monthly Weekly hosts contributing editor Adam Wren and Eskenazi Health’s Dr. Heather Fretwell.

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Importantville: Pence In Fort Wayne, Buttigieg In Michigan, And The Gubernatorial Debate

Plus: Fact-checking Victoria Spartz’s business record.

Pete Buttigieg and Mike Pence have a conversation while gesturing with their hands and holding coffee mugs.
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Buttigieg Tackles America’s Trust Crisis

In an interview, the former Democratic presidential candidate and South Bend mayor talks about Pence’s strength as a debater, and outlines a path for Americans to regain trust in institutions—and each other.

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All the President’s Hoosiers

How former DNI Dan Coats, his wife Marsha, Vice President Mike Pence and HHS Secretary Alex Azar are all portrayed in Bob Woodward’s Rage.

Pete Buttigieg
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Exclusive: Pete Buttigieg Readies for His Primetime Convention Slot

The former South Bend Mayor, now a possible cabinet pick for a Biden administration, previews his Thursday night convention address about belonging, and downplays a possible statewide run in Indiana.

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Who Are The Hoosiers On The White House’s Coronavirus Task Force?

The White House Coronavirus Task Force, which is one-fifth Hoosier, has struggled with its, well, task.

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Importantville: Hale Exclusive, Buttigieg’s Iowa Closing Sprint, And Braun On Impeachment

Pence and Buttigieg will shadow each other in Iowa this week.

Pete Buttigieg and Mike Pence have a conversation while gesturing with their hands and holding coffee mugs.
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Mayor Pete, Do Us A Favor Though…

Stop making us your gap-toothed straw men.

Democrat candidate for president Pete Buttigieg at his office in South Bend.
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Exclusive: Pete Buttigieg Is Prepping To Go The Distance In Indiana

Is Buttigieg interested in running for governor? “We’ve got our sights set on exactly one office.”

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Pence’s Accomplishments As VP

“He does the kind of stuff the president isn’t willing to do.”

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Mike Pence And The Tale Of The Tape

Yep, that one.

A man in a crisp white shirt and blue necktie stands at a podium
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Buttigieg Addresses Young Democrats Convention

“The reality is there are a lot of committed racists whose vote I’m never going to get and that’s alright.”

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Importantville: Buttigieg Speaks To Young Dems In Indy

“The New Deal era ended with Reagan. The Reagan era ends with us.”