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Pauline Moffat

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Three Unusual Shows Coming To IndyFringe

IndyFringe hosts 384 performances in 11 days during the IndyFringe Theatre Festival. We found three most unusual shows coming to the stage.

IndyFringe Indy Eleven
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Welcome to the New Indy Eleven Theatre

Pauline Moffat remembers thinking: “Here’s a man with vision. He’s starting at a grassroots level with soccer, just as the Fringe did with performance.”

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Theater of the Absurd: Our 10 Favorite IndyFringe Shows

“It was outrageous, and the audience gave a standing ovation,” says Pauline Moffat of A**holes & Aureoles. “That was the night I knew IndyFringe audiences were open-minded and ready for the next generation of uncensored and unjuried fringe performances.”

Moffat takes center stage.
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Q&A: Pauline Moffat Talks IndyFringe Favorites

“WFYI is producing a documentary on IndyFringe that will air around the country in August,” she says.