
Philip Gulley

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Hardly Your Average Joe

My lifelong pal, Joe Saddler, saved me from going to hell—and so much more.

an illustration of Phil Gulley caught up in his list of to-dos
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I’ll Do It Tomorrow

I have a long to-do list, and getting started on it is probably on there.

Phil Gulley appreciates the power of spring smells like Dairy Queen ice cream, fresh cut grass
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Scents And Sensibility

I once underappreciated the emotional power of smell, but I’ve come to my senses.

An illustration of a man looking to the night sky from behind a window
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Hoosier Bright Spots

As bad as 2021 was, a few Hoosiers renewed Phil Gulley’s faith in humanity.

An angry restaurant patron next to a TV and music note
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Sound Check, Please

I’ve lost my appetite for loud music and television in restaurants.

Man in tree
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Growing Concern

If you think development is bad, consider the alternative: shuttered storefronts, weed-choked sidewalks, and failing schools.

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Tilting At Windmills

I’ve spent my life guarding against imaginary dangers.

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A Motor Tour Down Memory Lane

A lot of great old cars sit in the mind’s garage of Philip Gulley — along with a few clunkers.

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Lawnmowers Of The World, Unite

To free up space in the garage, people are going to need to begin sharing tools—starting with my neighbors.

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I Would Strongly Advise You Against RV Ownership

This past summer, some friends of mine sold their house, bought an RV, and hit the road. As I write this, on a cold and cloudy Indiana day, they’re camping in New Mexico, where it is 80 degrees and sunny. I’m following their exploits on Facebook and hating them more each day. Worse, they are […]

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I’m Locked Out Of My Retirement Account. It’s Probably For The Best.

Philip Gulley plans on raiding his retirement fund and living like a king—just as soon as he can remember his password.

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How The Virtual Quaker Meeting Vastly Improved My Life

At what were once long, dull Quaker meetings, Zoom lives up to its name.

Philip Gulley
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Please Do Not Have Fun At Philip Gulley’s Funeral

At most funerals, tears still reign. Our columnist doesn’t want his to be any different.

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Making Danville Great Again

They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Philip Gulley’s neighbor Brian is both.

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Philip Gulley: Sick To Death

One of the many who have lost their lives to COVID-19, my friend Dawn deserved better.