

Trump picked up an endorsement from Bob Knight before Indiana
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No, Really—Pence Could Be Trump’s VP Pick

If Pence is chosen, next Wednesday through Friday could become three of the most interesting days in the history of Indiana politics, setting off a ‘Game of Thrones’–like power scramble within the state GOP.

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Mistakes Were Made: 9 Biggest Gaffes of the Indiana Primary

Indiana’s once-in-a-lifetime moment in the political sun has had a way humbling all five presidential candidates, as we’ve welcomed them into our watering holes, pancake houses, ice cream shops, and gymnasiums.

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Carrier’s Parent Company Gets ‘Berned’

“The greed of UT is almost unbelievable,” Sanders told a crowd of supporters and union members. “You really can’t make this up. They have no shame. They have no sense of embarrassment.”

Bernie Sanders
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Bernie Sanders to Attend Indy Carrier Rally

Word of Sanders’s visit has circulated among local media and political insiders for several days, but wasn’t confirmed until this afternoon.

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Only in Indiana: Donald Trump and Bob Knight

“The greatest endorsement in the history of Indiana, folks,” Trump said of Knight. “What a winner. What a winner. Such a great man. You know, our country doesn’t win any more. That’s what we need right there—let me tell you.”

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Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina: Going for Broke in Indy

Trailing Donald Trump in the delegate count by a wide margin, GOP presidential aspirant Ted Cruz chose Indianapolis as the site of a bold campaign maneuver today, naming former rival Carly Fiorina as his prospective running mate.

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Ted Cruz Photos: Campaign Stop at Sisters’ Place Restaurant in Indy

The Texas senator is campaigning in Indiana ahead of the May 3 primary, in hopes of denying front-runner Donald Trump the delegate majority he needs to lock up the Republican nomination.

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Trump Photos: Scenes from the Indy Rally

“I’m a little disappointed in Indiana,” Trump said at the Indianapolis event. “I say ‘walk out,’ and [the protesters] walk out.”

Donald Trump
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Trump to Indy: “I think I have a lot of voters in this room”

“I told my people I wanted to go to Indiana,” Trump told an estimated 3,000 attendees gathered in the half-full pavilion. “Indiana is going to be very important.”

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Hoosier Hall of Fame: Home and Abroad with Richard Lugar and Lee Hamilton

“There is a Midwestern calmness, a stability of outlook, very well exemplified by Dick [Lugar] and many, many others, that goes over well in Washington,” says longtime Indiana congressman Lee Hamilton.

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‘Leave Indiana’s Civil Rights Law Alone,’ Says Conservative Activist Patrick Mangan

“The main problem with this [legislation],” says Mangan, “is that it’s creating legal tension between legitimate constitutional and human rights versus behavior-based groups that want to achieve a special status in the law.”

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‘Protecting LGBT Civil Rights a Must After RFRA,’ Says GOP Strategist Megan Robertson

“Right now, in the majority of the state, if somebody wanted to hang up a sign that says, ‘No Gays,’ or whatever other term they decided to use, they could do that and be completely within the law.”

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Q&A: Indiana Pastors Alliance’s Ron Johnson on LGBT Civil Rights

“The LGBT worldview and the Judeo-Christian worldview are opposites. When you try to reconcile sexual license with religious liberty, those two things don’t go together.”

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Q&A: Freedom Indiana’s Chris Paulsen on LGBT Civil Rights

“It’s not a Republican or a Democrat issue. It’s a fairness issue. I think Hoosiers want to be known as fair, because we are fair.”

daylight savings time
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Not on Her Watch: One Woman’s Fight to Change Indiana’s Time Zone

If time is relative, as Einstein taught the world a hundred years ago, then it is particularly so in Indiana.