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Importantville: Hale Exclusive, Buttigieg’s Iowa Closing Sprint, And Braun On Impeachment

Pence and Buttigieg will shadow each other in Iowa this week.

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IMPORTANTVILLE: Buttigieg’s Latino Policy Rollout And More

Pete Buttigieg rolled out his Hispanic agenda this morning ahead of a week-long California swing.

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Importantville: Buttigieg Speaks To Young Dems In Indy

“The New Deal era ended with Reagan. The Reagan era ends with us.”

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The Looming Fight Between Pete And Pence

It could be a Hoosier battle royale, one that pits the gay Episcopalian war-veteran mayor against the evangelical former governor.

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The Bygone Era Of Birch Bayh

Birch Bayh was born in Terre Haute in 1928, just before the start of the Great Depression. From the beginning, his life was marked by a mix of national and local, agriculture and ambition.

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Importantville: What We Learned About Mayor Pete In New Hampshire

What’s happening—and what’s next—at the intersection of Indiana politics and business?

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Importantville: Buttigieg’s Big Bucks

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg racked up a stunning $7 million in the first quarter of his presidential exploratory committee his campaign announced Monday, defying expectations for a candidacy that began with an email list of just 20,000.

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Importantville: Merritt For Mayor

“Everyone’s talking about Beto and Biden. But here’s another ‘B’ you should know.”

Pete Buttigieg
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Pete Buttigieg Has His Eye On The Prize

Can South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg work the angles to become a dark-horse presidential contender for the Democrats in 2020?

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Importantville: Post-Thanksgiving Leftovers

“I was very honored to be the first here in Indiana. Obviously, we made state history here.”

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Importantville: Post-Midterm Hot Takes

“I will contend until the day I die that the vast majority of Joe’s critics on the left have never reconciled themselves to the fact that Indiana is bigger than just where they live.”

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Importantville: Post-Midterm Takeaways

“I think voters here probably are ready for universal healthcare.”

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Importantville: Midterm Election Week

No one really knows anything.

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Indiana Politics, September 2018

A record number of Hoosier women are their party’s nominee this year.

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A Hoosier Writes The Definitive Account Of The 2016 Election

“I thought it was going to be Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush,” the author says. “It looked like it was going to be a boring election.”