

Trump picked up an endorsement from Bob Knight before Indiana
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Now There’s Another Hoosier Involved in This Crazy Presidential Campaign

This time, it’s an IU computer-science professor in a story about Trump, Russia, and computer servers.

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Tweets of the Week: Obama Does Indy Edition

Via @GoIndyGo: “You know Indy is a world class city when we can handle the President of the United States and @DaveCoulier on the same day.”

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The Presidential Meal: Where Will Obama Eat in Indy?

Some suggestions for Barack Obama’s Indianapolis meal plans.

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Lincoln Like Me

If it’s true that family reunites in the afterlife, sooner or later I’m bound to bump into Abraham Lincoln.

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Six Things You Don't Know About Abraham Lincoln

He loved to tell dirty jokes, and reportedly hated being called “Abe.”