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The Most Expensive Drink at the Super Bowl?

When it comes to making cash during the biggest event this city’s seen, Sensu is stocked and ready to serve loaded East Coast visitors. The deliveries have been rolling in, including cases of Grey Goose in an array of flavors, Patron, and Jack Daniel’s. You know, the usual. 

They’ve also received another package. Carefully crated in white-chromed boxes, marked “Methuselah 1998 Dom Perignon Champagne,” these eye-catching, six-liter bottles are available for a mere $10,000 each. Evidently, a high-roller purchased one a while back and tipped his server more than a grand.

You’d think such crazy-priced champagne would be a relic of old Jay-Z songs, but this week’s scene might tell us otherwise. As raucous NYC and Boston fans are sipping vodka sodas, rocking out to live shows by Chris Brown and Fabolous, and predicting the big game’s outcome, Sensu is placing another kind of bet. 


1. The Feed: Doc B’s Restaurant, Cardinal Spirits, and More

2. Dexter Clardy Is Bringing Nerdy Back

3. Dining: Valentine’s Day Love Connections
