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My Look: Tiffany Muñoz’s Yoga Tank Top

When yoga instructor Tiffany Muñoz tired of her workout wardrobe, she created a line of tops called DharmaTees. Sold at The Yoga Studio locations, the designs are meant to breathe some positivity into the world.

What’s your tank’s phrase “Raise Your Vibration” mean?
It means raise your connection to yourself and those around you. In yoga, “om” is believed to be the sound of the universe—a mantra or a vibration. By chanting it, we are symbolically and physically turning into that sound and acknowledging our connection to the universe and all living beings.

How did you come up with the name DharmaTees?
“Dharma” means purpose, so for me it’s about trying to find my own purpose. I finally found it with this line of tops. A lot of these phrases have been said in the studio or with yoga friends.

What’s your top seller?
The Hamsa hand that says “High Five from the Universe.”

What trend are you seeing in yogawear?
People are trying to come into their own personality. They want to buy local and wear tops that speak to them.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve done yoga?
My back deck, which is right on the Monon. Someone who has never practiced yoga might think it’s a little strange if they see me in some random binding posture.



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