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Decoding Chris Baggott

Baggott’s early years were marked by the kind of pain, frustration, and failure that would wreck anyone not equipped with his tenacious belief that better things are around the corner.

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Indy Can Become A Tech Hub Without The New Amazon Headquarters

But there are a few bugs in the program that gets the city there.

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What's The Password?

“About 18 percent of venture-backed tech companies in the U.S. have at least one female founder on the team. Here, that number is only 8 percent.”

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High on the Hog: A Review of The Mug in Irvington

The second incarnation of entrepreneur Chris Baggott’s farm-to-curb concept that started in Greenfield checks every box for a successful run.

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Tech Munch: A Review of ClusterTruck

What kind of wrinkle in the time-space continuum must occur for an online order of food to arrive, hot and fresh at my curb, barely 20 minutes after clicking on the “place order” button, which is faster than I could walk to City Market? “We work out of an old schoolhouse that was built by Clemens Vonnegut, Kurt’s great grandfather. He gave us massive windows, beautiful slate chalkboards, and mile-high ceilings. And places no stigma on taking breaks. We have a pitch-black nap room with three beds. Most folks nap between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.” — Max Yoder, co-founder and CEO
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Why All Indy Startups Are Local

The more the national light shines on Indy startups, the more important it is that these companies achieve their most meaningful growth with local ingredients.

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The Day That Made Millionaires

“I live in a normal neighborhood in Greenfield with a couple of cul-de-sacs, and I literally went door to door to get people to invest $5,000 in ExactTarget. On the Google Map of my neighborhood, you’ll see, like, seven swimming pools. Every one of the swimming pools corresponds to an ExactTarget investor.”

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Tech City, Indiana: Is Indy the New Spamalot?

“Not many places have had that kind of success. We’re not faking it. This is real.”

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My Look: Nikki Sutton

The popular interior designer dishes on her favorite winter boots.

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Going Public: Indy's Vibrant Startup Culture

The sale of ExactTarget to the San Francisco software firm created more than a dozen new millionaires here—executives who are already pouring that money into local tech businesses.

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The New Hoosier Farmer: Keeps His Animals Happy

Baggott took an early retirement and, in 2010—just a year after ExactTarget surpassed $100 million in annual sales—purchased a 98-acre farm near Greenfield to raise livestock. Never mind that he had no agricultural experience whatsoever.

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Breaking News: Stan Lee's Indy Appearance CANCELED

Attendees who signed up for ExactTarget’s upcoming Indianapolis conference hoping to see pop-culture icon Stan Lee are in for a big disappointment, Circle Citizen has learned.   Last month, the interactive marketing company, headquartered next door to Circle Citizen’s 40 Monument Circle offices, announced in a splashy