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IU Health Joins Statewide Fight Against Gay-Marriage Amendment

President and CEO Daniel F. Evans, Jr.’s words were pointed: “IU Health is committed to the health and economic well-being of our communities: we challenge our policymakers to do the same.”

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President Obama Awards Medal of Freedom to Lugar, Winfrey, and More

In addition to Lugar, Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom—founded by president John F. Kennedy—to Bill Clinton, Sally Ride, Oprah Winfrey, Loretta Lynn, Gloria Steinem, and more.

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Indy-Based Christian Theological Seminary Opposes Gay-Marriage Amendment

The decision was perhaps inspired in part by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu’s address to an Indianapolis audience more than a month ago.

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Emmis Communications Endorses Freedom Indiana's Fight Against HJR-6

“Indiana has traditionally had a friendly business environment that is the backbone of the Hoosier economy,” says CEO Jeff Smulyan. “This is two steps backward and runs counter to what businesses are demanding.”

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Indiana University Comes Out in Favor of Gay Marriage

Among Indiana’s higher-education institutions, the move is unprecedented to join Freedom Indiana, a bipartisan collective of business and organizational leaders, in the plan to thwart the passage of an amendment banning gay marriage statewide.

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Indy Chamber Will Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Ban in Indiana

Indianapolis city-county councillor Zach Adamson, who married partner Christian Mosburg on Saturday in Washington, D.C., quickly praised the decision.

Zach Adamson and Christian Mosburg walk in the 2013 Indy Pride Festival Parade
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Councilman Zach Adamson’s Wedding Bells Will Ring out a Political Statement

City-county councilman Zach Adamson and partner Christian Mosburg flew to Washington D.C. today, only partly by choice: The two can’t tie the knot in their home state, so they’re going where same-sex marriages are legally recognized.

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The New Hoosier Farmer: Is Kind of a Big Deal

Having a 20,000-acre spread, one of the largest farms in one of the nation’s most productive farm states, buys some clout.

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The Weirdest Result of Hoosier Woman's Anthony Weiner Scandal

The fallout from one Indiana resident’s newly publicized relationship with the beleaguered politico has reached a bizarre level.

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Gov. Pence: Staffers Shouldn't Have Deleted Facebook Comments

Facebook users who disagreed with Pence’s position on same-sex marriage angrily assailed him with their own original posts via that social-media channel.

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Postscript: Marilyn Schultz Opens Her Hate Mail

In her records, she found a single manila folder containing a dozen unopened letters, postmarked nearly 40 years earlier, that she had long forgotten. … “Women of my generation were told to go to college and get your ‘MRS’ degree. It’s hard [for young people] to understand how radical it was to think a woman could be a doctor, a lawyer, or a legislator.'”

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Indiana Sen. Donnelly Comes Out in Favor of Gay Marriage

Previously both a fiscal and social conservative, Donnelly now expresses the belief that supporting same-sex marriage is “the right thing to do.”

Mike Pence
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INcoming: Mike Pence

To understand the chasm currently separating Indiana’s political parties, all you need to do is picture their election-night celebrations. On November 6, the Democrats chose a sedate ballroom at the Downtown Marriott. The Republicans, who were marching toward supermajorities in the House and the Senate, chose the end zone at Lucas Oil Stadium.

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From the Archives: A Conversation with Char Lugar

Of her half-century marriage, she says, “When I think about it, I wonder, ‘How could 50 years have gone by so fast?’ I used to think people who celebrated their 50th were old, decrepit, and in wheelchairs—not still enjoying life.”

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By the Numbers: Richard Lugar's Legacy

Richard Lugar was the 44th mayor of Indianapolis, and the first to successfully seek reelection (before then, city law prohibited the mayors from serving consecutive terms)