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An Excerpt Of Philip Gulley’s New Book

“This was back in the days when nuns wore habits, before they got sneaky and went undercover, dressing like the rest of us to blend in and catch us sinning.”

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Wit’s End: Deborah Paul On Common Sense

How is it even remotely possible that a man who heard voices in his head telling him to kill, and visited jihadist chat rooms, was not only permitted to own a 9 mm handgun but was allowed to check it—as well as ammunition—on a plane to Fort Lauderdale?

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How An Executive Order Changed A Butler Study-Abroad Group’s Travel Plans

“This misguided travel ban only shows that we need more exposure to diverse people, religions, languages, and ways of life, so that the unfamiliar becomes less feared,” says Butler University’s study abroad director.

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Indy Exorcist Vincent Lampert on the Devil and Saving Souls

Appointed to the position in 2005, Fr. Vincent Lampert has traveled to Rome to be trained at the Vatican, received requests from all over the world, and performed about 10,000 exorcisms.

Dalai Lama
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This Is My Tibet

“He is my brother, but also not just like a brother,” Norbu said of the Dalai Lama. “He is the leader of the Tibetan people, so there is respect. He is a leader and also a younger brother. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we disagree. But we are human beings. We talk. His Holiness, he sends compassion and love to everyone.”

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‘Leave Indiana’s Civil Rights Law Alone,’ Says Conservative Activist Patrick Mangan

“The main problem with this [legislation],” says Mangan, “is that it’s creating legal tension between legitimate constitutional and human rights versus behavior-based groups that want to achieve a special status in the law.”

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Q&A: Indiana Pastors Alliance’s Ron Johnson on LGBT Civil Rights

“The LGBT worldview and the Judeo-Christian worldview are opposites. When you try to reconcile sexual license with religious liberty, those two things don’t go together.”

Jim Gaffigan
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Jim Gaffigan on Joking for Pope Francis

“I think I might be opening for the popemobile driving in,” Gaffigan quipped in an interview with Terry Gross on NPR’s ‘Fresh Air.’

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Leap of Faith: Indiana’s New Mormon Temple

After three weeks of tours that began in July and end August 8, the public won’t be allowed to see any of it ever again (though there’s a “Visitors Welcome” sign on the meetinghouse building nearby).

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Phil Gulley: Dead Wrong

I’ve buried quite a few stinkers these past 31 years, but you would never have known it from their funerals.

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Phil Gulley: Beyond Belief

Some people shouldn’t take up religion, and you know the kind of people I mean—folks who are a few biscuits short of a breakfast.

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Photos: RFRA Protest Rally at the Indiana Statehouse

On Saturday Indianapolis protestors (“thousands,” according to some estimates) marched from Monument Circle to the Statehouse. Photographer Darryl Smith was on hand to capture the rally.

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Tweets of the Week: Religious Freedom Restoration Act

You can’t not have an opinion about Indiana Senate Bill 101.

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Jim Mulholland Finds It Hard to Believe

I asked Jim if he ever felt like he had betrayed those who believed in his words. I was being as authentic as I could, he said.

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With 'Battered Hearts,' Kassig's Parents Address Media

At a briefing held at a local church, Ed and Paula Kassig requested “the time and privacy to mourn, cry, and yes, forgive, and begin to heal.”