
The Hoosierist

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The Hoosierist: A Tall Tail

Locally, the story contains about as much truth as the rumor that Old Lady Ferguson, who lives three blocks over, is giving out full-sized candy bars to trick-or-treaters this year.

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The Hoosierist: An Airplane Race At The Speedway?

Fans will sit in the north vista as ground-hugging aircraft blast by at 200 miles per hour.

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The Hoosierist: Gen Con, Bankers Life, and Biking

Sir Ian “Gandalf” McKellen goes for $80,000 to $100,000. And beaming in William “You Know Who He Is” Shatner will set you back $100,000.

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The Hoosierist: Quick Question

No one has shouted “It’s a new track record!” at the IMS for a long time.

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The Hoosierist: Dropping the Ball

How did the Pacers get their name? And why do some IndyGo buses make a melodic whistling noise?

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The Hoosierist: Pronounced Flaw

During his Southern Indiana childhood, The Hoosierist freely used this pseudo-word.

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Dewey Decibels: The Hoosierist Takes on Loud Libraries

Add in the din of people clacking away on computer keyboards and chatting on their cell phones, and one starts to see why libraries are as noisy as a 5-year-old’s birthday party.

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The Hoosierist: How Santa Claus, Indiana, Got Its Name

Eventually, The Nameless Town-ians met at a log church on Christmas Eve of 1852 to pick a moniker.

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The Hoosierist: No Reason To Cheer

Question: How much do Indianapolis Colts cheerleaders get paid?

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The Hoosierist: Foraging and Beer-Drinking on Indiana Trails

Booze-related injuries are comparatively rare on Indiana trails. Of greater concern is the threat of dehydration, which can happen when you try to replenish your sweaty, overheated body with booze instead of H2O.

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The Hoosierist: Ripe For Confusion

“I have a tree that drops what a friend says are persimmons, but the fruit doesn’t look like the grocery-store variety. What gives?”

Hoosierist - HoosierStat, September 2014
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The Hoosierist Answers a Burning Question

The St. Elmo shrimp cocktail sauce is always hot, but I swear that some days it’s hotter than others. Is that possible?

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Big Ideas for Indy: The Hoosierist Plays Skeptic

While we were busy dreaming up big ideas to improve the city for the August cover package, our columnist had to rain on our parade.

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Dear Readers: Check Out Our New Website

We’ve enhanced our look online for tablet, smartphone, and desktop. You’ll find a site that’s easier to navigate and read, with more rich content and offerings. Plus, it’s just plain handsome.

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The Hoosierist Goes To Gen Con

There are plenty of games at Gen Con, and plenty of gamers to play them—49,000 last year and probably more for this edition, which runs through Sunday at the Indiana Convention Center. As The Hoosierist is pathologically afraid of dice (especially the ones with lots of extra sides), however, he spent his Gen Con session […]