
Philip Gulley

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Phil Gulley: Yesterday’s News

“In this polarized age, I don’t suspect a Republican or Democrat would lend the other a hand, let alone a printing press. But it was different back then, before talk radio gave the least stable among us a microphone.”

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Philip Gulley: Best in Class

Everyone should be a teacher for one year to know what ingratitude feels like.

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Phil Gulley: Germ Warfare

We could save ourselves a lot of trouble if we sent children outside barefoot, in a field of clover, while eating a PB&J, like parents did when I was a runt.

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Phil Gulley: Without a Hitch

“While I’m clearing the air, I’ll add that their gay marriage harmed my traditional marriage exactly zero percent.”

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Phil Gulley: Dead Wrong

I’ve buried quite a few stinkers these past 31 years, but you would never have known it from their funerals.

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Phil Gulley: Ill at Ease

So far, the only downside to diabetes is not being able to eat Cinnabons at the airport.

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Phil Gulley: Age-Old Problem

My biggest worry about retirement isn’t how I’ll pay for it, but whether I should even do it. We’ve all heard stories about guys who retired and five minutes later dropped dead.

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Phil Gulley: Beyond Belief

Some people shouldn’t take up religion, and you know the kind of people I mean—folks who are a few biscuits short of a breakfast.

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Phil Gulley: The Girl Next Door

As I write this, my wife and I are expecting our first grandchild, Madeline. The level of excitement, as you can imagine, is high.

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Phil Gulley: Strong Foundation

Sometimes you have to live in a house for a while before she trusts you enough to reveal her secrets.

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Late Models: Phil Gulley Reminisces About His Rides

Perfectly decent human beings, like me for instance, are made to feel like losers for driving a 1999 Toyota Corolla.

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Phil Gulley: House of Lies

The listing noted that the house was in a “Great Neighborhood!” I’m in that neighborhood, so it’s not all that great.

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Stick with Me: Phil Gulley on Deforestation

Being too concerned about protecting the natural world is like being too concerned about babies. How is it possible to be too concerned?

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Phil Gulley Ponders Life Before Cell Phones

“You watch,” I told my wife back then. “The day will come when we’ll curse the person who invented cell phones.” That day is here.

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Brides and Prejudice: Philip Gulley's Latest Book

Says Gulley, “A decade ago, I created the little town of Harmony, Indiana, filled it with Quakers, and sent them a pastor named Sam Gardner to see what would happen. The series of novels had a good run, but I wanted to dabble in theology and pursued that genre of writing for a while. I missed Sam and the Harmony crowd, though, and decided to see what they had been up to in the intervening years.”