
Michael Rubino

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The Replay: Jim Irsay, Bill Polian, and Tom Brady

The Colts write a prescription for disaster.

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The Replay: Andrew Luck, Jeff Gordon, and Tom Brady

Andrew Luck makes a feline stand.

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Calling Tom Brady’s Bluff

What was Tom Brady hiding on his mobile phone? Probably a lot.

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The Replay: ‘Hoosiers,’ Ed Carpenter, and Mark Cuban

The Pacers go off-script with new look.

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The Replay: Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, and Larry Bird

Presenting the Peyton Manning Collection™

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A Priest, a Minister, and a Rabbi Walk into a Bar …

“We always say that the Jewish people don’t recognize Christ as the savior, the Anglicans don’t recognize the pope as the head of the church, and the Methodists don’t recognize each other at the liquor store.”

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The Replay: Anthony Castonzo, Roy Hibbert, and David West

Beefcake: Colts linemen bare all for ESPN.

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The Replay: Dan Dakich, Bob Knight, and A.J. Foyt

Dan Dakich interviews “Bob Knight”

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The Replay: Mark Cuban, Lil Bub, and the Colts

The Colts hang fire.

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The Replay: Andrew Luck, Joe Namath, and Juergen Sommer

Andrew Luck’s ‘stache might have a PETA problem.

Pat McAfee and Andrew Luck
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The Replay: Andrew Luck, Pat McAfee, and Mari Hulman George

Andrew Luck, cover boy

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The Replay: Peyton Manning, David Letterman, and James Hinchcliffe

Former Colts QB pays tribute to Hoosier funnyman

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The Replay: ‘The Deflator,’ Tom Brady, and ‘Jon Grady’

Need to lose extra pounds (or a starting QB)? The Patriots explain how.

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The Replay: Tom Brady, George Hill, and Caleb Swanigan

Uggs—Deflategate just won’t go away.

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The Replay: Colts, Bob Kravitz, and Yogi Ferrell

The Colts make a pick, and a columnist comes unglued.